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Thoughts on a Challenging Time

Life has changed drastically over the last week. Violet and I have an unexpected week off of school. Although our daycare is still open, there are very few children there and staff is being limited which is for the best obviously. Kyle is working almost double it seems to film online curriculum for his karate students. Grocery store trips are a little different. I am definitely thanking the O'Briens again for their freezer purchase off of our wishlist a few weeks ago. I was able to stock up before all of this started.

A big reminder of the severity of this virus came yesterday when I went for my 24 week pregnancy check up. The one where you get the lovely glucose test drink ;) It had been moved from the New Berlin clinic to Waukesha Memorial Hospital (where I will deliver this time around). Kyle was working so I grabbed Violet and headed over (drive takes almost half hour). We parked in the ramp, took 2 elevator rides and made it (early!) to the third floor women's center. The receptionist started asking me her standard questions that have not become so standard. In the middle of the "Have you been in contact with anyone who has traveled outside of the US..." question she paused. Then she started rereading in disbelief. Her "script" had changed just in the time between her last patient and me. She then had to ask "Have you been in contact with anyone who has traveled outside of Wisconsin ..." She couldn't believe how many times her "script" had changed over the last few days.

Then...she heard Violet bouncing around in the waiting room. She initially hadn't seen her because the desk was too high. She had a stricken look on her face. "We can't have kids in here." She double checked with another receptionist and then told me I couldn't be seen and to call and reschedule. She didn't even want us to stand there and reschedule in person. How crazy! I was not upset, it had at least gotten us out of the house for a little drive. I am heading back in today on my own. Thankfully Kyle is able to be in charge of Violet in the morning. It got me thinking about other families who don't have this option. Single moms (or Dads). People who don't have babysitters for fear of spreading germs. Parents who work in healthcare.

Then, my thoughts turned to my Dad. I don't know what we would have done had we not been able to stay with him in the hospital the last week of his life. It was cramped, uncomfortable and certainly didn't have any home-cooked meals. But...we were all there together. As a family. Supporting each other. That is what families/caregivers need now more than ever. I've thought a lot about the families staying at Children's Hospital who are "choosing" between a sick kiddo and a kiddo at home (or with a grandparent if they are fortunate enough to have that set up). The siblings who can't be together. One guest allowed per patient. That would have negated both my sister and I had my Mom stayed with my Dad. Such hard times!! Leah also let me know later last night even a Doctor has tested positive at Children's. Now families have that "fear" of walking into a place that is supposed to help their child. Will the person trying to heal them end up harming them??

Phew.... Let's switch gears and bring some positivity. I am thankful I have more time with Violet. That was the whole point of leaving full time teaching. I can't quite picture how it would work trying to keep up with my students' online learning while also caring for and giving her the attention she deserves. So big kuddos to all the teachers (and karate instructors!) out there! I am thankful for my family's overall good health. I am thankful for this baby boy kicking away in my belly ;) I am thankful for The Right Relief and all the support I have had from YOU over the last 6 months so I can at least provide a few meals for caregivers in need during this time. I am thankful for (coldish) spring weather. Getting outside for walks, puddle jumping and stick gathering have been a great outlet for both Violet and I. I am thankful. Period. Things could be a lot worse. Period. So count your blessings my friends! Thanks for reading and supporting :)



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