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The "Write" Relief Blog

Big news! My Nonprofit Organization called The Right Relief Inc is officially official!! How did this teacher turned part-time stay-at-home mom come to be the President of such a life-changing organization? I invite you to follow this blog and read more about how the Right (and Write) Relief Inc. came into existence.

I decided to leave my full-time teaching position in 2018 because I was spending more time stressing about after-school-hours work to get done than focusing on my daughter Violet (who is now 2). I have been teaching part time at a daycare since and I still felt like there was more I was meant to do. What was my more? What did I love about teaching? It was the kids, not the curriculum, that I found the most joy in. I had the opportunity to help shape their day - no matter how good or bad it might have started. By being their teacher I learned their stories and what drove them or made their day at school "better". What I found was that I loved helping them have good days at school. I was their caregiver.

Recently, when I'm not working or playing with Violet, I've been doing more "caring for caregivers;" bringing treats to teacher friends and the New Berlin Fire Department, going on a Target run for a friend who was stuck at the hospital with a sick kid, checking in on an elderly friend who had lost a loved one. I also started thinking of volunteer opportunities that would benefit caregivers.

I took a trip to Ronald McDonald House in June. My friend Leah and her family were staying there. I was blown away by the facility and how home-y it felt. Clean, inviting, organized and warm; what more could a parent ask for after a long day at the hospital staying with a sick kiddo? Now, throw in a home cooked meal and the experience goes up another notch. Learn more about how that one event inspired The Right Relief Inc here:

That visit stirred something in me and reminded me of my past. My sister had cancer as a teenager and my parents took her on daily trips of 40+ miles to receive treatments. This was followed by at home injections for a year after that. A hard time for sure; but one that showed us how strong of a family unit we were. Now, I find myself thinking: what would have helped my parents during that time? What would have brought them some relief from the day to day medical reality they were living in?

My family encountered another tough year+ of surgeries and cancer treatments when my Dad was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor in 2010. My Mom was the main caregiver and also continued to work full time to be sure we had good insurance coverage. My sister came home for a semester of college when my Dad's health declined further and my Mom needed help. My Dad was in the best hands. But what support was out there to relieve my family: the caregivers? What would have brought them relief from the constant tiredness, worry and appointments?

The mission of The Right Relief is to give practical and emotional support to nourish and replenish caregivers and families dealing with medical issues. I want to ask “What is the Right Relief for you today?” and then provide whatever is needed in that moment to allow everyone involved a deep breath and a lighter load to carry, even if temporarily. Know someone deserving of relief?

So...The Right Relief was born so I can expand how I care for caregivers and provide relief for family units just like mine.

The blog and website launch means the countdown has begun until release of the first official fundraiser. I will share more about my experiences that have shaped the First Right Relief Project, and though those experiences were just one meal, they stuck with me and provided the passion for the work to get to this moment. I am overjoyed with all of the enthusiasm and support I have received. I'll count on even more when it comes time to gift those experiences to others in the coming weeks.

Thank You,

Hollie Mealy


The Right Relief Inc



The Write Relief Blog

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