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National Family Caregiver Month Resource List

We wrapped up National Family Caregiver Month (which is November every year) at the beginning of December and posted several websites/articles/blogs with important resources for Caregivers. I wanted to compile them here to reference back and use ALL year. Caregiving is not a one time deal more often than not, and at The Right Relief Inc. we obviously know how important it is to be able to get help throughout the roller coaster ride. Here are some great places to start. And, if it's a meal that would help, you know who to contact ;)

To request a meal or refer a caregiver for a meal:

Here are some resources I've shared on our Facebook page and others, including a book review written by yours truly!

Happy Healthy Caregiver Website: This has a TON of resources for Caregivers to make sure they care for themselves too. Elizabeth Miller offers a podcast, blog, self care journal and coaching. Our #RightReliefLasagna recipe was featured on her blog too! : This website has videos of Caregivers giving advice, a family Caregiver toolbox and information about the #CaregiverAnd campaign that I believe is SO important! It stresses the need for Caregivers to put their own identities/jobs/hobbies first and/or before Caregiving duties to maintain that sense of self that can get lost during the Caregiving process. : The focus of this website is advocacy and research surrounding family caregivers. There are articles about the legal and government responsibilities of Caregiving. Information about "Sandwich" Caregiving is also here.

Book Review: Already Toast by Kate Washington is a personal account of the depths of Caregiving. It is emotional and a bit blunt at times which I appreciated. That's the reality of the job. Ronald McDonald House has great resources for Caregivers of young children. Click on "independent resource guide."

Again, The Right Relief Inc. is here to help and provide #BellyHugs too :)



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