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HCF Year 3 Recap!

What a night!!

We hosted our 3rd annual Honoring Caregivers Fundraiser on March 18 at Hot House Tavern.

Relief Squad members came together to celebrate 5475 and Honor Caregivers for all of the selfless work they do. We invited our first ever Guest Speaker to attend and tell us how the Right Relief helped her on the caregiving Journey. Introducing: Lori Williams! She is a mother of 3 and author too! Her speech can be found HERE.

We had some pretty epic décor this year including light up birch trees, Quote posters, a custom #5475 balloon arch and Logo cookies! Also, do Noodles count as décor?! ;)

Made by @One Tough Cookie

With my husband Kyle who is also on our board

Goodie bags to take home! And a 6 ft birch tree (thanks Kyle!)

Guess the Noodles

Our raffle was a hit as always and bigger and better than ever! Over $1000 raised!!

Thank you to Steve Jury for selling tickets and sporting our official #RightReliefApron!

Family Night

The mysterious Mystery Raffle

I was fortunate to have some of my family in attendance and also longtime college friend Leah (thanks for your help!) Kathy's House board members/staff were also in attendance. They have been a HUGE support over the last few months with the CBS58 nomination and overall enthusiasm and encouragement. They are a relatively small Nonprofit but compared to Right Relief, they are huge ;) and I'm so thankful to have Carolyn, Marie and Kathy as resources!


Uncle Dave and Aunt Debbie who cared for my Grandparents

My Mom Diane

Carolyn and Kathy

Finally, I had the honor of making a big announcement! I also recapped 2022 with some highlights and awards and introduced our NEW GOAL: providing Doses of Relief to 54,750 Caregivers in the next ten years! Yes, you read that right!

Already looking forward to #HCF 2024!!



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