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Got Tylenol? Giving Caregivers Relief

Caregiver Relief: Like Doses of Tylenol

Have you ever taken a dose of Tylenol when you have a headache? It hopefully helps provide Relief from the pain and you move on with life. But, what happens when you get another headache the following week? You wouldn't suffer; you'd reach for another dose.

With Doses of Right Relief, we are aiming to provide more types of Relief to Caregivers when they need it most. This video gives some examples of Doses we will be offering in the coming months!

What Caregivers Said Would Be The Right Relief

We surveyed Caregivers who have received Belly Hug Relief to see what ELSE would provide them Relief. Since founding and coming up with our nonprofit name, the question that I've always thought about asking Caregivers is:

"What is the right relief for you?"

While we were "figuring out" the ins and outs of running a nonprofit, food was of course our go-to. Having the, "what's for dinner?" conversation day after day for a family who doesn't have a sick loved one can be challenging when working full time. I knew from experience the relief that came when other's provided a home cooked, comforting meal when dinner was the last thing on our minds.

"In my experience, what most Caregivers Really need/want is to not be in the situation they are in."

Caregivers want:

  • To take away pain or sickness from their loved one.

  • Insurance companies to be cooperative and helpful.

  • To sleep through the night without worrying about the future.

  • To be home for holidays.

  • Every member of their family to feel cared for equally, regardless of illness.

  • Fresh air. They want to eat dinner at their own kitchen table.

  • Doctors who are compassionate and listen to their concerns.

  • Healing.

So...where does that leave The Right Relief Inc.? Can we provide any of the above "Relief" to Caregivers. Not really. We're good....but not that good. We don't have magical healing powers, a medical degree or enough patience for insurance calls/paperwork. Just being honest ;)

What We Can Do:

"What is the Right Relief for you?" Seven little words. that will hopefully make a Caregiver feel cared for. For one, we are here. We are here to support them. While it's not a full sense of Relief...

We can offer free of charge:

  1. A gas gift card - for those seemingly constant hospital trips

  2. A massage - for sitting in hospital chairs too long

  3. A Brewers Game - For a distraction

  4. A home cleaning - so that's one less thing you have to worry about

  5. Of course - a Meal

Think of these doses like the next time you're feeling the side effects of caregiving. We will be here to get you a dose when you're in need and ready to accept it.

54,750 Doses....lets GOOOOOO!



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