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News & Media

We're honored by the press coverage we've received.  It helps us normalize that Caregivers get cared for too. It's ok to ask for and accept help.


How We Care for Caregivers

If the holidays are about bringing loved ones together over a comforting meal, Holly Mealy makes it her mission to bring one to every family. “I know what it’s like to be on the opposite side," said Mealy. 

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Some food is more than a meal. In the case of a meal prepared by Hollie Mealy and her team, it’s a source of comfort.

Natalie Shepherd meets the executive director of The Right Relief, Holly Mealy who has bought and prepared more than 1,000 individual meals for Kathy's House in Milwaukee.

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People battling serious illness need a lot of support from family and friends. We know it can be easy to forget about their caregivers. Right Relief Inc. to the rescue! 

"My dad was in the best hands. But what support was out there to relieve my family: the caregivers? What would have brought them the relief from the constant tiredness, worry and appointments?" Now, Mealy and her volunteers care for the caregivers by providing them with meals.

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The Right Relief Inc was the recipient of $1,000 to further the mission of caring for caregivers!

Hollie Mealy started The Right Relief, a nonprofit organization that brings relief to caregivers in the form of home-cooked meals and other doses of support.  In only a few short years, she's delivered about 1,000 "belly hugs" to Kathy's House guests!

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Uplifting Women Podcast

You Betcha She Did Podcast

Ready to support?

100% of the meals are funded by donations.  A $100 Donation represents dozens of meals for caregivers or multiple "doses" of Right Relief. Click below to one click donate.


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